You’re on facebook and yelp. Those pages come up high in searches so why bother with a website?

When someone is researching your company to see if they want to do business with you, particularly if you have a retail business, there’s no doubt that social media listings like facebook and yelp mean a lot. However, they are more like newspaper clippings…they’re good for advertising but they’re not you. With a website you can show your customer’s who you are. You can tell them everything you want to say, offer pictures, graphic, links…everything you want. Even better, you can do it exactly the way you want your business t be seen. No restrictions! This is your image!

A website of your own projects who you are, exactly as you want to be seen. But it’s much more than that. A website promotes accomplishment and trust. It tells your customers that, as a business you’re there to serve them and you’re not going away.

About David S

David is a Co-Founder of Website Development Experts and is the acting CTO. David authors much of the content of the site, as well as many of the articles.

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